by Bipolar Control | Oct 7, 2019 | Let's Get Started
We all know how it goes, you’re not feeling 100% your regular self so you choose an activity that might take the discomfort away for a while. Sometimes that might be a constructive activity like tidying up the house, exercise or meditation while other times it might...
by Bipolar Control | Jun 26, 2019 | Let's Get Started
Routines help us regulate our minds and bodies and for people with bipolar conditions this can be specially important. We want to try to avoid anything that will upset our balance any more than necessary. Routines can also help us improve our self control. By making...
by Bipolar Control | Jun 18, 2019 | Let's Get Started, Mindfulness
Jon Kabat Zinn is one of the pioneers of western mindfulness and has been a driving force in helping people to understand that there is a simpler way to live our lives, by being present more often. With this simplicity comes a reduction in stress on many levels and...
by Bipolar Control | May 8, 2019 | Let's Get Started, Mindfulness
Mindfulness is both the easiest and hardest thing to do. It seems so simple yet for some reason many of us find it difficult to allocate time to practice. The more you practice the stronger your mind will become and the more you’ll find that you are able to use...
by Bipolar Control | May 8, 2019 | Let's Get Started, Mindfulness
Mindfulness will help you to realise what mood or state of mind you’re in so you can take action before it controls you. It will also help you stop both positive and negative rumination that will greatly reduce your bipolar ups and downs. The principle of mindfulness...
by Bipolar Control | Feb 15, 2019 | Let's Get Started
You’ve heard it said a thousand times, you know you should be doing it but you find every excuse in the book not to do it. I know the score, I’ve been there too. In 2015 I made a commitment to change my attitude to exercise while researching methods to...
by Bipolar Control | Feb 7, 2019 | Let's Get Started
Taking responsibility for your bipolar life means understanding the impact your actions have on yourself and others and taking the lead role in keeping yourself in the best state you can. Ask yourself, “Who’s bipolar condition is this?” You’ll...
by Bipolar Control | Feb 5, 2019 | Let's Get Started
Understand your reasons for wanting to control your bipolar condition. If you want to keep motivated to make progress you’ll need a very good reason when the going gets tough. Sticking to any new routine can be hard. It takes dedication and commitment but how do you...