Here is a list of books, videos, audio, talks and more that I’ve found invaluable.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar Disorder
(by Deckersbach, Hölzel, Eisner, Lazar, Nierenberg)
While this book is aimed at therapists and mindfulness practitioners I found it very easy to follow and probably the best book that explains and runs through an entire MBCT course for bipolar patients. It includes audio meditations to help you get started with mindful meditation. I would fully suggest spending the 12 weeks practising the techniques in this book, I found it invaluable in my journey to becoming well. Buy it from or Otherwise search your local online book store for a copy.
Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
If you’re looking to get more insight into how your brain works and why you react the way you do in certain situations then this is a great book to read. It describes why some people have more trouble controlling their emotions than others and what they can do about it.
You can buy it from or, otherwise look for a cheap second hand copy on eBay or your local book shop.
9 Attitudes of Mindfulness – Jon Kabat-Zinn
I found these extremely useful when researching bipolar. Learning to accept ourselves and others and to look at the world non-judgmentally.
Watch it on YouTube
This is a brilliant documentary where people that have bipolar conditions are interviewed and explain their worlds. It helps to realise that there are other people just like you.
Watch the short version (27 Minutes)
Watch the long version (123 Minutes)
Ride the Tiger
This documentary discusses the bipolar brain structure and how current and new methods of treatment can affect changes. Many of the techniques we discuss on this site are favourably mentioned near the end of the film.
Watch it on Vimeo
The Dark Horse
A movie based on the true story of a one-time New Zealand Chess Champion who struggles with stability. He is told while in therapy that he should find a purpose and help others so he decides to coach a group of youngsters that who have troubled lives. At the time of writing this was free on Amazon Prime but otherwise can be found elsewhere also.
More info on IMDB
Hi-Lo Joe
To me this felt like an accurate portrayal of what it’s like living with bipolar. It follows a thirty-something man and his relationship with a woman. I really identified with some of the situations. At the end it hints at a journey of recovery of a sort using mindfulness, exercise and medication. At the time of writing this was free on Amazon Prime but otherwise can be found elsewhere also.
Bitesize BEPC
A webinar series based on the Bipolar Education Programme Cymru (BEPC). A frank and open discussion of all things bipolar.
View on YouTube
Online Training and Courses
7 Day Introduction to Mindfulness
Melli O’ Brien’s 7 Day Introduction to Mindfulness is a fantastic place to start if you have never tried mindfulness meditation before, if you want to get back into it or strengthen your current practice. The aim is to make you aware of what mindfulness is all about and to get you comfortable practising it. She’ll email you every day with a link to an audio file that takes you through each meditation. Best of all, its FREE!
Sign up to her newsletter on her homepage
Mindfulness Certificate Course
This is where my real journey began. Once my eyes were opened to the possibilities of self-management I saw a lot of personal changes happen in myself. This is a really comprehensive course that encompasses Mindfulness, CBT and other techniques to help you evaluate your life and move forward in the right direction.
Find it on Udemy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Practitioner Certificate
This is a comprehensive course on CBT and, while aimed at those wanting to become a practitioner, is just as useful for those that want to learn more about themselves. It is quite long at 52 hours but I found this to be beneficial in that it keeps your mind on the topic and keeps you learning and practising. It is extremely good value (normally under $25) for the depth and insight that you will gain. I highly recommend this.
Find it on Udemy
Mental Health Practitioner Course
Another fantastic course by Kain Ramsey exploring how we can improve our mental health to become the best versions of ourself possible. Learn to understand your own mind and how to relate better to others. In my opinion this should be taught at all schools. Life changing stuff if you put it to use in your daily routines and interactions.
Find it on Udemy
The Best Brain Possible. A great resource for understanding your brain and how you can make real improvements.
CrestBD. This is a really good resource for all things bipolar. It is a part of the British University of British Columbia, Canada. visit their Wellness Centre for tips on self management and for in-depth understanding of bipolar. They also have a Reddit Q&A here.